The barrenness of our times..
Nothing is beautiful. Because everything has to be.
Nothing is good. Because everything has to be.
There’s no joy in indulgence. Because there’s no responsibility to make indulgence enjoyable.
We’re defined by our excesses and not by our aesthetics.
We’re devoted to deviance but devotion is seen as deviance.
Nothing is sacred since everything is equal.
Common sense is bigotry. Discernment is hatred. Clarity is criminal.
There is no truth because everything is an interpretation. And since there’s no truth, there’s nothing worth pursuing.
Happiness is not about being happy but about how many people think we’re happy.
There are no deep, illuminating conversations since everything is a soundbite.
A friend was asked to “Explain India’s nuclear policy in 140 characters". It’s not about what you know but about what you show.
We don’t want to know our past because we don’t want to make our future.
Love is oppressive, commitment is regressive.
There are no borders, and hence, no loyalty.
There are no virtues, and hence, only virtue-signalling.
When the race is to the bottom, slogans constitute philosophy.